MGIT Leaderboard (OPE Mechanism with Tiny Version, Action Granularity)

Up-to-date multi-modal global instance tracking performance of baseline and submitted results on MGIT. All entries are ranked based on their N-PRE scores with traditional OPE mechanism.

Up-to-Date Leaderboard


Currently we have:

Rank Method N-PRE PRE SRIoU SRDIoU SRGIoU Hz Hardware Language Date(UTC) Author
1 MemVLT 0.813 1 0.637 1 0.694 1 0.688 1 0.690 1 12.76 3 Titan Xp python 2024-05-19, 08:18:53 Anonymous Author
2 JointNLT 0.786 2 0.445 2 0.610 2 0.599 2 0.600 2 9.57 Titan RTX python 2024-01-20, 14:39:24 Official
3 VLT_TT 0.602 3 0.318 3 0.468 3 0.457 3 0.458 3 7.84 Titan RTX python 2024-01-21, 01:52:59 Official
4 VLT_SCAR 0.354 0.116 0.167 0.156 0.162 22.11 1 Titan RTX python 2024-01-21, 01:54:52 Official
5 SNLT 0.226 0.004 0.036 0.023 0.026 20.81 2 Titan RTX python 2024-01-21, 01:43:54 Official